The practice of chiropody is the treatment and prevention of diseases or disorders of the foot by therapeutic or orthotic means.
There is no significant difference between Chiropodists and Podiatrists in Ontario. Both professions are regulated by the College of Chiropodists of Ontario. Chiropodists and Podiatrists are both primary health care providers specializing in the assessment and treatment of lower limb disorders. The difference in title is (in Ontario) determined by which country the chiropody or podiatry degree was obtained, as well as the time the professional registered to practice (no Ontario podiatrist designations have been granted since 1993).
The profession became known as chiropody in Britain years ago and the name was derived from Latin, meaning "with hands, on feet." In Ontario, the British chiropody model of medical foot care was adopted many years ago as the regulated foot health profession, and the term chiropodist is currently used to describe foot health professionals in Ontario.